DynaMapp is a Python software package designed for the modeling, identification, and calibration of dynamic models of serial robotic manipulators.
The primary goal of this project is to offer a flexible framework for modeling and identifying serial manipulators, including the incorporation of nonlinear effects such as friction, stiffness, and backlash in robot joints. Additionally, a predictive feedback control mechanism is being developed to compensate these effects, making the framework suitable for collaborative robotics applications.
The project aims to explore subspace identification methods for manipulators. Given the nonlinear nature of the problem, the state-space representation parameters are state-dependent, requiring more advanced mathematical tools to analyze such systems effectively.
Table of Contents
DynaMapp relies heavilly for it's internal rigid body computation on Pinocchio python bindings, for more information, refer to:
also it uses, as an entry point to represent the rigid body tree of the robot reprsenttaion URDF,
Package Structure
folder contains executable identification scripts. Settings for each algorithm are passed through command-line arguments.dynamics
folder contains all direct and inverse dynamics model computations, state-space representation, and regressor formulation.viscoelastic
folder contains all base classes for contact models.models
folder contains all electromechanical joint component models implementations.optimisation
folder contains general optimisation routines tailored for the identification problem.robot
folder contains common robot description files.identification
folder contains custom identification base classes and helper functions.extern
folder contains third-party software used by DynaMapp. This folder has other license terms than the project, so please review them individually.
The code has been tested successfully on the following platform:
Supported Platform
Windows 11:
Python 3.12.4
Miniconda 4.5.0
CUDA 12.5 (optional)
for installation on other platforms or additional setup instructions, refer to the INSTALL.md guide.
This section provides an overview of examples demonstrating the usage of DynaMapp for tuning the Kinova Gen3 robot parameters to estimate the joint torques. Currently, the documentation lacks detailed and meaningful examples, and these examples do not cover all software functions.
Create Multiple Robot Model Representations
Use a URDF file along with a configuration file. The configuration file should follow the same layout as the Kinova config file.
from pyDynaMapp.dynamics import Robot
my_robot = Robot(urdf_file_path, configuration_file_path)
# Example: Compute mass and Coriolis matrices for the home position
C = my_robot.computeCoriolisMatrix()
M = my_robot.computeMassMatrix()
# Example: Compute the joint torques vector for the home state
T = my_robot.computeGeneralizedTorques()
# Example: Compute the joint torque vector for a given state
q = [1.25, 1, 1.25, 1, 1, 1, 1] # Position
qp = [0.25, 1.5, 1.36, 0.25, 1, 1, 1] # Velocity
qpp = [0.05, 0, 0, 1.25, 0, 0.2, 0.3] # Acceleration
T = my_robot.computeGeneralizedTorques(q, qp, qpp)
# Example: Compute joint gravity torques for the home state
G = my_robot.computeGravityTorques()
Compute the Robot Regressor Matrix
import numpy as np
from pyDynaMapp.dynamics import Regressor
reg = Regressor()
q = np.random.rand(100,7)
qp = np.random.rand(100,7)
qpp = np.random.rand(100,7)
#Exemple: compute the full regressor matrix
W = reg.computeFullRegressor(q, qp, qpp)
#Exemple : compute the reduced rgressor matrix
W_ = reg.computeReducedRegressor(q, qp, qpp,1e-6)
Create a State-Space Representation
from pyDynaMapp.dynamics import StateSpace
import numpy as np
robot_ss = StateSpace(urdf_file_path, configuration_file_path)
# Example: Compute the state-space matrices at a given configuration using a state vector x
x = np.random.rand(14)
A, B, C, D = robot_ss.model.computeStateMatrices(x)
# Example: Compute the state-space matrices at a random configuration using position and velocity vectors
q = np.random.rand(7)
qp = np.random.rand(7)
A, B, C, D = robot_ss.model.computeStateMatrices(q, qp)
The last model computation serves as a bridge to state-space identification techniques, subspace identification methods, and other fields.
Note: The stability of the computed matrices is not guaranteed. The intensive computations of derivatives are error-prone, so a new computation method is needed!
Analyze Robot Stability and Control Design Using Common Tools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyDynaMapp.dynamics import StateSpace
model = StateSpace("urdf/file/path","configuration/file/path")
#Example: plotting the system poles state for a given position and velocity configurations
q = [1.25, 1, 125, 1, 1, 1, 1]
qp = [0.25, 1.5, 1.36, 0.25, 1, 1, 1]
#Exemple: plotting the system root-locus for a given position and velocity configurations
this can optimise the desgin of a state-depend gain function $\(K(q,qp)\)$ to achieve desired varaible-poles location.
Model Identification Routines
All DynaMapp models depend on user-defined parameters modeling physical aspects of the manipulators (inertia, friction, stiffness, etc.). These parameters are concatenated to form a one-dimensional vector, and the identification problem is turned into an optimization-based problem:
\(\tau_s \in \mathbb{R}^{N}\): Torque measured from joint sensors.
\(IDM(\beta, q, \dot{q}, \ddot{q}) \in \mathbb{R}^{N}\): The inverse nonlinear flexible joint dynamics model with friction, actuator, and stiffness for a given fixed trajectory.
\(\beta \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}\): The global parameter vector.
Warning Currently, only NLOPT-based optimizers and Kalman
filter optimizers are supported.
cd pyDynaMapp/script
python3 nlopt_identification
This uses the last computed parameters and starts the optimizer. All problem settings can be adjusted in the utils script.
Visualizing Different Models
Given a data file path:
python3 run_dynamic_simulation -v= True -data_file_path="path/to/example.csv" --show_figures= True --cutoff_frequency=3
Using Kalman Filter
python3 run_kalman_identification -v=True --cutoff_frequency=3 --show_figures= True
We use Sphinx to generate the software documentation. Assuming that Sphinx is installed, you can generate and build the documentation using the following steps:
to generate and build the documentation:
sphinx-apidoc -o docs/source/ pyDynaMapp/
sphinx-build -b html . docs/build/html
The official documentation is hosted on this link.
The source code is hosted on the pyDynaMapp-Anaconda page, for detailed reports and figures visit figshare
Recent Releases
pyDynaMapp-v0.1.0 — August 2024: First release
A three-loop physical parameter identification method of robot manipulators considering physical feasibility and nonlinear friction mode, Tangzhong Song, Lijin Fang,Guanghui Liu, Hanyu Pang, 2024
Comprehensive modeling and identification of nonlinear joint dynamics for collaborative industrial robot manipulators, Emil Madsen, Oluf Skov Rosenlund, David Brandt, Xuping Zhang, 2020
Robotics Modelling Planning and Control, Bruno Siciliano, Lorenzo Sciavicco Luigi Villani,Giuseppe Oriolo,
Global Identification of Joint Drive Gains and Dynamic Parameters of Robots , Maxime Gautier, Sebastien Brio, 2014
Direct Calculation of Minimum Set of Inertial Parameters of Serial Robots, Maxime Gautier, Wisama khalil, 1990
Efficient Dynamic Computer Simulation of Robotic Mechanisms, M.W.Walker, D. E. Orin, 1982
Inertial Parameter Identification in Robotics: A Survey, Quentin Leboutet, Julien Roux, Alexandre Janot, Julio Rogelio, Gordon Cheng, 2021
Practical Modeling and Comprehensive System Identification of a BLDC Motor, Changle Xiang, Xiaoliang Wang, Yue Ma, and Bin Xu, 2015
Identiable Parameters and Optimum Congurations for Robots Calibration, W. Khalil, M. Gautier and Ch. Enguehard, 2009, Robotica
Recursive identification of certain structured time varying state-space models, M.H. Moazzam T. Hesketh, D.J.Clements, 1997
Comparison Between the CLOE Method and the DIDIM Method for Robots Identification, Alexandre Janot, Maxime Gautier, Anthony Jubien, and Pierre Olivier Vandanjon, 2014
Robot Joint Modeling and Parameter Identification Using the Clamping Method, Christian Lehmann ∗ Bjorn Olofsson, Klas Nilsson, Marcel Halbauer, Mathias Haage, Anders Robertsson, Olof Sornmo, Ulrich Berger, 2013
Fundamentals of friction modeling, Farid Al-Bender, 2015
Constrained State Estimation - A Review, Nesrine Amor, Ghualm Rasool, and Nidhal C. Bouaynaya, arXiv, 2022
The Pinocchio C++ library,J.Carpentier, G.Saurel, G.Buondonno, J.Mirabel, F.Lamiraux, O.Stasse, N.Mansard, 2019
Before contributing, please take a moment to review the following:
The CHANGELOG for an overview of updates and changes.
The CONTRIBUTING guide for detailed instructions on how to contribute.
This is an early-stage research software, and contributions are highly welcomed!
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out via email.
This project is currently licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal License.
For more details, see the LICENSE file.