Source code for pyDynaMapp.utils.math

import logging 
from typing import overload
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def conditionNumber(M, threshold=1e-5): """ Computes the condition number of a matrix with a check for SVD convergence. Args: - M : The input matrix. - threshold : The condition number threshold to check against. """ try: cond_number = np.linalg.cond(M) return cond_number < threshold except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: logger.error(f"Linear Algebra error: {e}") return False
[docs] def discreteTimeIntegral(vector, time_step): """ Compute the discrete-time integral of a sampled vector with a given time step. Args: vector (array-like): 1-D input vector. time_step (float) : Sampling frequency with which this vector was recorded. Returns: int_vector (numpy.ndarray): 1-D integrated vector. """ if not isinstance(time_step, (int, float)) or time_step <= 0: logger.error("Input validation failed: 'time step' must be numeric, positive scalar.") if time_step > 1: logger.warning("Warning: time step is too high: results may be inaccurate!") if time_step < 1e-6: logger.warning("Warning: time step is too small: results may be inaccurate!") vector = np.asarray(vector) int_vector = np.zeros_like(vector) for i in range(len(vector)): if i == 0: int_vector[i] = vector[i] else: int_vector[i] = int_vector[i - 1] + 2 * vector[i] int_vector = (time_step / 2) * int_vector return int_vector
@overload def discreteTimeDerivative(ut, ut_1, dt): """ Compute the discrete-time derivative in a single time step. Args: ut (float or array-like): Current value at time t. ut_1 (float or array-like): Previous value at time t-1. dt (float): Time step. Returns: upt (float or array-like): Discrete-time derivative. """ if dt == 0: logger.error("dt must be a non-zero value") upt = (ut - ut_1) / dt return upt @overload def discreteTimeDerivative(vector:np.ndarray, time_step:float, init_value=0): """ Compute the discrete-time derivative. """ if time_step ==0: logger.error("time_step must be a non-zero value") der_vector = np.zeros_like(vector) der_vector[0] = init_value for i in range(1,len(vector)): der_vector[i] = discreteTimeDerivative(vector[i],vector[i-1],time_step) return der_vector
[docs] def RMSE(array1: np.ndarray, array2: np.ndarray=None,axis=0) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the RMSE between 2 arrays across all samples. Args: array1 (Nsamples, ndof). array2 (Nsamples, ndof). Returns: np.ndarray: (Nsamples, ndof) """ if array1.shape != array2.shape: logger.error("Input arrays must have the same shape.") if array2 is None: differences = array1 else: differences = array1 - array2 squared_diff = differences ** 2 mean_squared_diff = np.mean(squared_diff, axis) rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_diff) return rmse
[docs] def cumulativeRMSE(array1: np.ndarray, array2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the RMSE between columns of two arrays, considering the error committed for each joint at the previous time step. Args: array1 (Nsamples, ndof). array2 (Nsamples, ndof). Returns: np.ndarray: (Nsamples, ndof) """ differences = array1 - array2 squared_diff = differences ** 2 cumulative_error = np.cumsum(squared_diff, axis=0) mean_squared_diff = cumulative_error / (np.arange(1, array1.shape[0] + 1)[:, np.newaxis]) rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_diff) return rmse
[docs] def computeCorrelation(array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the correlation factor between the columns of a numpy array. Args: array (Nsamples, ndof). Returns: np.ndarray: (ndof, ndof). """ return np.corrcoef(array, rowvar=False)
[docs] def computeCumulativeCorrelation(array:np.ndarray)->np.ndarray: """ Compute the correlation matrix. Args: - array : (Nsamples, ndof). Returns: - numpy-ndarry: (Nsamples,ndof, ndof) """ rows, cols = array.shape correlation_matrix = np.zeros(rows, cols, cols) for i in range(1, rows): correlation_matrix[i,:,:]= np.corrcoef(array[0:i,:], rowvar=False) return correlation_matrix
[docs] def MAE(array: np.ndarray, window_size: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Implement a simple moving average estimator. Args: array (np.ndarray): Array of values at each timestep. window_size (int): Number of previous values to consider. Returns: np.ndarray: expected values. """ expected_values = np.zeros_like(array) for i in range(len(array)): if i < window_size: expected_values[i] = np.mean(array[:i+1]) else: expected_values[i] = np.mean(array[i-window_size+1:i+1]) return expected_values