Source code for pyDynaMapp.dynamics.robot

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import logging
import pinocchio as pin

sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))

from utils import discreteTimeIntegral, yaml2dict, conditionNumber
from viscoelastic import LuGre, MaxwellSlip, Dahl, computeViscousFrictionForce
from models import BLDC

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] class Robot(): """ Base class for Robot models. Parameters: urdf_file_path (str): Manipulator URDF file path. config_file_path (str): Manipulator configuration file path. model (Pinocchio.Model): Pinocchio multibody model of the manipulator. params (dict): Model static parameters. data (Pinocchio.Data): Pinocchio multibody data model. q (np.ndarray): Joints position vector. v (np.ndarray): Joints velocity vector. a (np.ndarray): Joints acceleration vector. """ def __init__(self,urdf_file_path,config_file_path,q=None,v=None,a=None,)->None: if not os.path.isfile(config_file_path): logger.error(f"Config file does not exist at the provided path: {config_file_path}") self.params = yaml2dict(config_file_path) if urdf_file_path is None: logger.error("URDF file path not set in configuration file.") if not os.path.isfile(urdf_file_path): logger.error(f"URDF file does not exist at the provided path: {urdf_file_path}") # Class Attributes self.urdf_file_path = urdf_file_path self.config_file_path = config_file_path self.model = pin.buildModelFromUrdf(self.urdf_file_path) = self.model.createData() fext = pin.StdVec_Force() for i in range(self.model.njoints): fext.append(pin.Force.Zero()) self.q = np.zeros(self.model.nq) if q is None else q self.v = np.zeros(self.model.nv) if v is None else v self.a = np.zeros(self.model.nv) if a is None else a self.fext = fext
[docs] def computeMassMatrix(self, q=None, scaling=0.001): """ Compute the mass matrix of the robot. Args: - q : Joints position vector. - scaling : Float used in scaling the mass matrix to prevent singulaty """ if q is None: q = self.q else: q = np.array(q) if q.size < self.model.nq: logger.error("configuation vector size should be equal to model varibles") elif q.size > self.model.nq: logger.error("Position input vector maximum size is", self.model.nq) if np.isnan(q).any() or np.isinf(q).any(): logger.error("configuration array q has NAN or INF values.") q = np.nan_to_num(q, nan=0.0, posinf=0.0, neginf=0.0) M = pin.computeMinverse(self.model,, q) if np.isnan(M).any() or np.isinf(M).any(): logger.error("mass matrix contain NAN or INF values.") M = np.nan_to_num(M, nan=0.0, posinf=0.0, neginf=0.0) if conditionNumber(M,1e-5): M = M + scaling * np.eye(np.shape(M)[0]) return np.linalg.inv(M)
[docs] def computeGeneralizedTorques(self,q=None,qp=None,qpp=None,fext=None): """ Compute the genralized Torques using the recursive netwon euler alogrithm. Args: - q : Joints position vector. ( nq * 1 ) - qp : Joints velocity vector. ( nq * 1 ) - qpp : Joints acceleration vector. ( nq * 1 ) - fext : Joints external forces vector. ( nq * 1 ) """ q = q if q is not None else self.q qp = qp if qp is not None else self.v qpp = qpp if qpp is not None else self.v try: tau = pin.rnea(self.model,, self.q, self.v, self.a, self.fext) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error Occured when Computing Torques.') return tau
[docs] def computeCorlolisMatrix(self, qp=None,q=None,timeStep=0.001,scaling=0.01): """ Compute the corlolis matrix using finite difference method. Args: - qp: Joints Velocity vector. - q : Joints Position vector. Returns: - C : numpy.ndarray # TODO ensure that the divion in the in derivates are not by a zero elmenent """ if q is None: q =self.q if qp is None: qp= self.v if np.isnan(qp).any() or np.isinf(qp).any(): logger.error("qp array contain NAN or INF values.") qp = np.nan_to_num(qp, nan=0.0, posinf=0.0, neginf=0.0) M_t = self.computeMassMatrix(q,scaling) C = np.zeros(np.shape(M_t)) q_t_1 = discreteTimeIntegral(qp,timeStep) self.q = q_t_1 M_t_1= self.computeMassMatrix(self.q,scaling) diff_M = ( M_t_1 - M_t ) for i in range(7): for j in range(7): for k in range(7): christoffel = 1/2*( diff_M[i,j]+ diff_M[i, k]- diff_M[j,k]) C[i,j] = C[i,j] + christoffel * qp[k] return C
[docs] def computeGravityTorques(self, q=None): """ Computes the joints gravity torques. Args: - q : Joints poistion vector. Returns: - tau_g : numpy.ndarray. """ if q is None: q = self.q tau_g = pin.computeGeneralizedGravity(self.model,, q) else: if q.ndim ==1 : tau_g = pin.computeGeneralizedGravity(self.model,, q) elif q.ndim == 2: NSamples, ndof = np.shape(q) tau_g = np.empty_like(q) for i in range(NSamples): tau_g[i,:] = pin.computeGeneralizedGravity(self.model,, q[i,:]) else: logger.error('Input configuration dimonion not supported') return tau_g
[docs] def computeFrictionTorques(self, qp:np.ndarray, q:np.ndarray): """ Estimates the friction torque vector in robot joints given a constant joint velocity vector. Args: - qp : Joints velocity vector ( numSamples * ndof ) - q : Joints position vector ( numSamples * ndof ) - tspan : Simulation time duration (seconds) - sampling : Sampling frequency (Hz) Returns: tau_f : Joints friction torques ( numSamples * ndof ) """ sampling = self.params['simulation']['sampling_frequency'] frictionModel = self.params['robot_params']['friction'] NSamples, ndof = np.shape(qp) tspan = ( NSamples -1 )/sampling tau_f = np.zeros_like(qp) assert ndof == self.model.nq,'Joints velocity data input msiamtch with model degree of freedom' if frictionModel == 'lugre': Fc = self.params['friction_params']['lugre']['Fc'] Fs = self.params['friction_params']['lugre']['Fs'] sigma0 = self.params['friction_params']['lugre']['sigma0'] sigma1= self.params['friction_params']['lugre']['sigma1'] sigma2= self.params['friction_params']['lugre']['sigma2'] qp_m = np.zeros_like(qp) window_size = 10 for k in range(ndof): for t in range(1, len(qp), window_size): model = LuGre(Fc[k], Fs[k], qp[t,k],sigma0[k], sigma1[k], sigma2[k],\ t,t/(2*window_size),max(t-window_size,0)) F = model.computeFrictionForce() tau_f[t:min(len(qp),t+window_size),k] = np.mean(F) elif frictionModel == 'maxwellSlip': for j in range(int(q.shape[1])): n = self.params['friction_params']['maxwellSlip']['n'] k = self.params['friction_params']['maxwellSlip']['k'] c = self.params['friction_params']['maxwellSlip']['c'] sigma0 = np.array(self.params['friction_params']['maxwellSlip']['sigma0']) model = MaxwellSlip(n, q[:,j], k, c, sigma0[j],sampling) tau_f[:,j]= model.computeFrictionForce() elif frictionModel == 'dahl': for k in range(ndof): sigma0 = self.params['friction_params']['dahl']['sigma0'] Fs = self.params['friction_params']['dahl']['Fs'] model = Dahl(sigma0[k], Fs[k]) tau_f[:,k] = model.computeFrictionForce(qp[:,k]) elif frictionModel == 'viscous': for k in range(ndof): Fc = self.params['friction_params']['viscous']['Fc'] Fs = self.params['friction_params']['viscous']['Fs'] tau_f[:,k] = computeViscousFrictionForce(qp[:,k],Fc[k],Fs[k]) else: logger.error("Friction Model Not Supported Yet!") return tau_f
[docs] def computeStiffnessTorques(self, q=None): """ Compute the torques resulting from joints torsional stiffness eliminated from actuator torque. Args: q (numpy.ndarray): Configuration vector. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Joints stiffness torques. """ if q is None: q = self.q stiffCoeffsArray = self.params['stiffness_params'] if stiffCoeffsArray is None: logger.error("Stiffness coefficients are missing in the configuration file") nk = len(stiffCoeffsArray) tau_s = np.zeros_like(q) for i in range(nk): tau_s[i] = stiffCoeffsArray[i] * q[i] return tau_s
[docs] def computeTrajectoryTorques(self, q, qp, qpp, fext = None): """ Compute the joint torques given the trajectory data: position, velocity, and accelerations with fext = 0 (no external forces) and no friction. Args: q - (numpy ndarray) Joint positions (NSamples, ndof) qp - (numpy ndarray) Joint velocities (NSamples, ndof) qpp - (numpy ndarray) Joint accelerations (NSamples, ndof) fext - (numpy ndarray) Joints external angular torques applied (Nsamples * ndof) Returns: tau - numpy ndarray Joint torques (NSamples, ndof, 6) (3D force + 3D torque) """ tau = np.zeros_like(qp) if fext is None : pinfext = pin.StdVec_Force() for i in range(self.model.njoints): pinfext.append(pin.Force.Zero()) for t in range(q.shape[0]): tau_i = pin.rnea(self.model,, q[t,:], qp[t,:], qpp[t,:], pinfext) tau[t,:] = tau_i else: for t in range(q.shape[0]): tau_i = pin.rnea(self.model,, q[t,:], qp[t,:], qpp[t,:], fext) tau[t,:] = tau_i return tau
[docs] def updateExternalForces(self, F:np.ndarray)->None: """update the Pinnchoi external forces vector.""" if F.size < 6: logger.error("Force vector size should be >= 6") else: F= F[:6] pinfext = pin.StdVec_Force() for i in range(self.model.njoints): linearFext = F[:3] angularFext = F[3:] pinfext.append(pin.Force(linearFext, angularFext)) self.fext = pinfext
[docs] def computeDifferentialModel(self,q=None,qp=None,qpp=None, inertia_params=None): if not(inertia_params is None): self.updateInertiaParams(inertia_params) M = self.computeMassMatrix(q) C = self.computeCorlolisMatrix(qp,q) G = self.computeGravityTorques(q) tau_sim =,qpp)+, qp) + G return tau_sim
[docs] def setIdentificationModelData(self,q,qp,qpp)->None: self.q= q self.v = qp self.a = qpp
[docs] def computeIdentificationModel(self,x:np.ndarray): """ This function require the setup up of the joints tarjectory parmters previlouslly ie self.q, v and a should be puted in the trajectoy or it will use the default. initlize the robot structure with the trajectory data from begin. Args: x : paramters: [inertia, friction, stiffness, actuator, fext] [13n, 5n, n, 10n, 6] Returns: tau : model output torque (Nsamples * n ) """ if (self.q is None) or (self.v is None) or (self.a is None) or \ np.ndim(self.q)!=2 or np.ndim(self.v)!=2 or np.ndim(self.a) !=2 : logger.error('Identification Data not set Run : setIdentificationModelData()') if np.ndim(x) != 1: logger.error("X should be 1-dimensional array.") fext = self.params['identification']['problem_params']['has_ external_forces'] friction = self.params['identification']['problem_params']['has_friction'] motor = self.params['identification']['problem_params']['has_actuator'] stiffness = self.params['identification']['problem_params']['has_stiffness'] n = self.model.nq if not(fext): self.updateInertiaParams(x[0:13*n]) tau = self.computeTrajectoryTorques(self.q,self.v,self.a) if friction: self.updateFrictionParams(x[13*n:18*n]) tau_f = self.computeFrictionTorques(self.v,self.q) tau = tau + tau_f if stiffness: self.updateStiffnessParams(x[18*n:19*n]) tau_s = self.computeStiffnessTorques(self.q) tau = tau+tau_f-tau_s if motor: self.updateActuatorParams(x[19*n:29*n]) tau_m = self.computeActuatorTorques(self.q,self.v,self.a) tau = tau_m - tau_f-tau_s elif motor: self.updateActuatorParams(x[19*n:29*n]) tau_m = self.computeActuatorTorques(self.q,self.v,self.a) tau = tau_m - tau_f else: if stiffness: self.updateStiffnessParams(x[18*n:19*n]) tau_s = self.computeStiffnessTorques(self.q) tau = tau -tau_s if motor: self.updateActuatorParams(x[19*n:29*n]) tau_m = self.computeActuatorTorques(self.q,self.v,self.a) tau = tau_m -tau_s elif motor: self.updateActuatorParams(x[19*n:29*n]) tau_m = self.computeActuatorTorques(self.q,self.v,self.a) tau = tau_m else: self.updateInertiaParams(x[0:13*n]) self.updateExternalForces(x[29*n:29*n+6]) tau = self.computeTrajectoryTorques(self.q,self.v,self.a,self.fext) if friction: self.updateFrictionParams(x[13*n:18*n]) tau_f = self.computeFrictionTorques(self.v,self.q) tau = tau + tau_f if stiffness: self.updateStiffnessParams(x[18*n:19*n]) tau_s = self.computeStiffnessTorques(self.q) tau = tau+tau_f-tau_s if motor: self.updateActuatorParams(x[19*n:29*n]) tau_m = self.computeActuatorTorques(self.q,self.v,self.a) tau = tau_m - tau_f-tau_s elif motor: self.updateActuatorParams(x[19*n:29*n]) tau_m = self.computeActuatorTorques(self.q,self.v,self.a) tau = tau_m - tau_f else: if stiffness: self.updateStiffnessParams(x[18*n:19*n]) tau_s = self.computeStiffnessTorques(self.q) tau = tau -tau_s if motor: self.updateActuatorParams(x[19*n:29*n]) tau_m = self.computeActuatorTorques(self.q,self.v,self.a) tau = tau_m -tau_s elif motor: self.updateActuatorParams(x[19*n:29*n]) tau_m = self.computeActuatorTorques(self.q,self.v,self.a) tau = tau_m return tau
[docs] def genralizedInertiasParams(self): """ Returns the genralized inertia paramters vector Returns: - inertia_vectors (numpy.ndarry) : concatenated inertia paramters of all links """ inertia_vectors = np.zeros((self.model.nq,13)) for i in range(self.model.nq): m_i = self.model.inertias[i].mass c_i = self.model.inertias[i].lever.flatten() I_i = self.model.inertias[i].inertia.flatten() inertia_vector_i = np.concatenate(([m_i], I_i, c_i)) inertia_vectors[i,:] = inertia_vector_i inertia_vectors.flatten().reshape(-1, 1) return inertia_vectors
[docs] def updateInertiaParams(self, inertia_vector)->None: """Update the inertia paramters vector""" assert inertia_vector.size == 13 * self.model.nq, \ "The size of the inertia vector does not match the expected size." idx = 0 for i in range(self.model.nq): m_i = inertia_vector[idx] c_i = inertia_vector[idx + 1:idx + 4] I_i_flat = inertia_vector[idx + 4:idx + 13] I_i = I_i_flat.reshape(3,3) self.model.inertias[i].mass = m_i self.model.inertias[i].lever = c_i self.model.inertias[i].inertia = I_i idx += 13
[docs] def setRandomInertiaParams(self)->None: """set the robot links inertia paramters to random values.""" Xphi = self.genralizedInertiasParams() randXphi = np.random.rand(np.shape(Xphi)) self.updateInertiaParams(randXphi)
[docs] def computeBaseInertiasParams(self): """ #TODO to implement Compute the manipulator Base inertial parameters Returns base_params : numpy-ndarry """ base_params_vector = 1 return base_params_vector
[docs] def updateFrictionParams(self, new_params)-> None: """ update the robot friction parameters. Args: - new_params : ndarry of size min 14 (2n) max is 35(5n) """ friction_type= self.params['robot_params']['friction'] n = self.model.nq if friction_type == 'viscous': # array of 14 if new_params.size < 2 * n: logger.error(f"min parms number for friction model is {2 * n}") return else: new_params = new_params[0:2*n] self.params['friction_params']['viscous']['Fc']= new_params[0:n] self.params['friction_params']['viscous']['Fs']= new_params[n:2*n] elif friction_type == 'lugre': if new_params.size < 5 * n: # array of 35 logger.error(f'min params number for friction model is {5 * n}') return else: new_params = new_params[0:5*n] self.params['friction_params']['lugre']['Fc']= new_params[0:n] self.params['friction_params']['lugre']['Fs']= new_params[n:14] self.params['friction_params']['lugre']['sigma0'] = new_params[14:21] self.params['friction_params']['lugre']['sigma1'] = new_params[21:28] self.params['friction_params']['lugre']['sigma2'] = new_params[28:35] elif friction_type == 'maxwellSlip': # array of 13 if new_params.size < 6 + n: logger.error(f"min params number for friction model is {6 + n}") else: new_params = new_params[0:13] self.params['friction_params']['maxwellSlip']['k'] = new_params[0:3] self.params['friction_params']['maxwellSlip']['c'] = new_params[3:6] self.params['friction_params']['maxwellSlip']['sigma0'] = new_params[6:13] elif friction_type == 'dahl': # array of 14 if new_params.size < 2*n: logger.error(f"min params number for friction model is {2*n}") else: new_params = new_params[0:14] self.params['friction_params']['dahl']['sigma0'] = new_params[0:7] self.params['friction_params']['dahl']['Fs'] = new_params[7:14]
[docs] def updateStiffnessParams(self, new_params)-> None: """ Update the joints stiffness paramters. Args: new_params (numpy ndarry) """ assert new_params.size== self.model.nq,\ "stiffness inputs should be equal to robot joints number" self.params['stiffness_params'] = new_params
[docs] def getStiffnessMatrix(self)->np.ndarray: """ Return the diagonal stiffness matrix of the robot formed by each joint stiffness factor. """ matrix = np.eye(self.model.nq) for i in range(self.model.nq): matrix[i,i] = self.params['stiffness_params'][i] return matrix
[docs] def computeActuatorTorques(self, q, qp, qpp): """ Estimates the joints motors torque from position, velocity and acceleration. Args: - q: Joints position (Nsamples * ndof) - qp: Joints velocity (Nsamples * ndof) Returns: - tau_m : numpy.ndarry (Nsamples *ndof) """ tau_m = np.zeros_like(q) I = self.params['actuator_params']['inertia'] kt = self.params['actuator_params']['kt'] damping = self.params['actuator_params']['damping'] for i in range(self.model.nq): motor_i = BLDC(I[i], kt[i], damping[i]) tau_m[:,i] = motor_i.computeOutputTorque(q[:,i], qp[:,i], qpp[:,i]) return tau_m
[docs] def updateActuatorParams(self, new_params:np.ndarray)->None: """ Updates the joints actuator parameters. Bounds for torque and current (Tmax, Imax) are exclued from update. Args: new_params [kt, inertia, damping, Ta, Tb, Tck] (numpy-ndarry) 1 * 10.ndof """ n = self.model.nq assert new_params.size == 10 * n self.params['actuator_params']['kt'] = new_params[0:n] self.params['actuator_params']['inertia'] = new_params[n:2*n] self.params['actuator_params']['damping'] = new_params[2*n:3*n] self.params['actuator_params']['Ta'] = new_params[3*n:4*n] self.params['actuator_params']['Tb'] = new_params[4*n:5*n] self.params['actuator_params']['Tck'] = new_params[5*n:10*n].reshape((n, 5))
[docs] def getActuatorInertiasMatrix(self)->np.ndarray: I = self.params['actuator_params']['inertia'] Im = np.eye(len(I)) for i in range(len(I)): Im[i] = I[i] return Im