Source code for pyDynaMapp.dynamics.state_space

import os
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.signal import place_poles

sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))

from dynamics import Robot

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class StateSpace: """Base class for state space identification models Args: robot - Manipulator Base model """ def __init__(self,urdf_file_path,config_file_path) -> None: self.robot = Robot(urdf_file_path,config_file_path)
[docs] def computeStateMatrices(self, q_or_x: np.ndarray, qp: np.ndarray = None): """ Compute the state space matrices of the robot model. Args: - q_or_x: Joints position vector `q` or system state vector `x` - qp: Joints velocity vector (required if q_or_x is q) Returns: - A, B, C, D matrices """ n = self.robot.model.nq if qp is None: assert q_or_x.size == 2 * n, f"state vector size should be 2 * n ({2*n}), but got ({q_or_x.size}) instead" q = q_or_x[:n] qp = q_or_x[n:2*n] else: q = q_or_x assert q.size == qp.size, "q and qp must have the same size" A = np.zeros((2*n, 2*n)) B = np.zeros((2*n, n)) C = np.zeros((n, 2*n)) D = np.zeros((n, n)) c = self.robot.computeCorlolisMatrix(qp, q) M = self.robot.computeMassMatrix(q) K = self.robot.getStiffnessMatrix() A[n:2*n, n:2*n] = , c) A[0:n, n:2*n] = np.eye(n) A[n:2*n, 0:n] = , K) A[0:n, 0:n] = np.zeros((n, n)) B[n:2*n,0:n] = np.linalg.inv(M) C[0:n, 0:n] = np.eye(n) return A, B, C, D
[docs] def getStateVector(self,qp:np.ndarray,q:np.ndarray): """Compute the State vector give the joints poistion and velocity. Returns: x - numpy-ndaryy (2.ndof * 1) """ assert np.size(qp) == np.size(q),"position and velocity vector sizes must be equal" assert np.all(q.shape==qp.shape),"position and velocity vector shapes must be equal" x = np.concatenate((q, qp), axis=0) assert x.ndim == 1, "The state vector x should be 1-dimensional" return x
[docs] def updateStateVector(self,q_or_x: np.ndarray,qp_or_tau:np.ndarray,tau:np.ndarray = None,\ state_poles=None): """ Compute the discrete state vector at time date t + 1 given position and velocity or system state vector `x`, and torques vector at time date t. """ n = self.robot.model.nq T = 1/self.robot.params['simulation']['sampling_frequency'] if tau is None: x = q_or_x tau = qp_or_tau A, B, _, _ = self.computeStateMatrices(x) A = self.stabilize(A,B,state_poles) At = (np.eye(2*n) + T*A) Bt = T * B x_next =, x) +,tau) else: q = q_or_x qp = qp_or_tau assert q.size == qp.size,"Input position and velocity vectors must have the same size" A, B, _, _ = self.computeStateMatrices(q, qp) x_k = self.getStateVector(qp, q) A = self.stabilize(A,B,state_poles) At = (np.eye(2*n) + T*A) Bt = T * B x_next = , x_k) +,tau) return x_next
[docs] def computeStateInputVector(self,states:np.ndarray,input_torque:np.ndarray=None): """ Computes the state space input torques vector U. the input at the time date "i" require data of i-1,i-2,...,1 states vectors Returns: - U numpy.ndarry ( ndof * NSamples ) """ n = self.robot.model.nq q = states[0:n,:].T qp = states[n:2*n,:].T tau_g = self.robot.computeGravityTorques(q) tau_f = self.robot.computeFrictionTorques(qp,q) u = tau_f +tau_g -input_torque u = np.clip(u,-39,39) return u
[docs] def getAugmentedStateVector(self,q:np.ndarray,qp:np.ndarray,tau:np.ndarray): """ Compute the Augemnted state vector""" x= self.getStateVector(qp,q) z = np.concatenate(x,tau,axis=0) return z
[docs] def computeAugmentedStateMatrices(self, q_or_x: np.ndarray,qp: np.ndarray=None): """ Computes and returns the augmented state-space matrices for the transformed state vector z = [x, u]. Args: q_or_x (np.ndarray): State vector q or x. qp (np.ndarray): State derivative vector (q_dot or x_dot). Returns: tuple: Augmented state-space matrices (A_aug, B_aug, C_aug, D_aug). """ A, B, C, D = self.computeStateMatrices(q_or_x,qp) n = A.shape[0] m = B.shape[1] A_aug = np.block([[A, B],[np.zeros((m, n)), np.zeros((m, m))]]) B_aug = np.block([[B],[np.eye(m)]]) C_aug = np.block([[C, np.zeros((C.shape[0], m))]]) D_aug = D return A_aug, B_aug, C_aug, D_aug
[docs] def computeStateEigvals(self, q_or_x:np.ndarray, qp:np.ndarray=None): """ Returns the dynamics system eigvalues""" assert q_or_x.size == 2*self.robot.model.nq A, _, _, _ = self.computeStateMatrices(q_or_x,qp) eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(A) eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(A) return eigvals
[docs] def computeReducedStateMatrices(self, q:np.ndarray, qp:np.ndarray, tau:np.ndarray): """ computes the new transformed system by diagonalized the state matrix A """ A, B, C, D = self.computeStateMatrices(q,qp) x = self.getStateVector(qp,q) xdot = self.updateStateVector(q,qp,tau) A_hat = np.eye(1) xdot_ht = 1 x_hat = 1 B_hat = 1 C_hat = 1 D_hat =1
[docs] def computeStateTransitionMatrix(self,tf, ti=0): """ compute the state transition matrix of the system Args: - tf : final integartion time - ti: initial intergartion time """ A,_,_,_ = self.computeStateMatrices(q_or_x,qp) STM = 1 return STM
[docs] def lsim(self, x0:np.ndarray, input:np.ndarray,system_poles=None,noise='gaussian',\ verbose:bool=False): """ Simulate the system response with a given input torque. Args: - x0 : initial system state. ( 2.ndof * 1 ) - input : Input torque to the system (NSamples * ndof ) - noise : additive state noise model - verbose: logging display the current iteration Return: - states : numpy-ndarry stroing iteration states vectors. ( 2.ndof * NSamples) """ n = self.robot.model.nq NSamples, ndof = input.shape assert ndof == n, "msitamtech error between degree of freedom in robot data" states = np.empty((2*n,NSamples)) states[:,0] = x0 for i in range(1,NSamples): if verbose :'updating state variable = {i}/{NSamples}') joint_torque = self.computeStateInputVector(states[:,:i],input[:i,:]) states[:,i] = self.updateStateVector(q_or_x=states[:,i-1],\ qp_or_tau=joint_torque[i-1,:],state_poles=system_poles) if not(noise is None): if noise =='gaussian': states[:,i]+= self.computeGaussianNoise(2*n) elif noise == 'poisson': states[:,i]+= self.computePoissonNoise(2*n) else: logger.error('Noise Model not Supported.') return states
[docs] def state_place_poles(self,gain_matrix:np.ndarray,states:np.ndarray,verbose:bool=False): """ this method is extention of scipy.signals.place_poles for state depend varing systems, over each sample data x_{k+1} = A(k)x_{k} + B(k)u_{k} Args: - gain_matrix : Returns: AA : numpy.ndarrry [A(1), A(2), ... A(N)] ( 2*ndof , 2*ndof*N) """ n_, NSamples = states.shape ndof = self.robot.model.nq assert n_ == 2* ndof, "msitamtech error between degree of freedom in robot data" nn, mm = gain_matrix.shape assert nn == 2*ndof and mm ==NSamples, 'gain matrix shape not suitable' AA = np.zeros((2*ndof,2*ndof*NSamples)) for i in range(1,NSamples): if verbose :'processing sample = {i}/{NSamples}') A, B,_,_ = self.computeStateMatrices(states[:,i]) AA[:,(i-1)*2*ndof:i*2*ndof]= self.stabilize(A,B,gain_matrix[:,i-1]) return AA
[docs] def linearize(self,states_matrix:np.ndarray): """ Computes a- equivalent LTI system by avaraging the state depend Linear system. Args: states_matrix : (2*ndof, NSamples) """ ndof = self.robot.model.nq nn, NSamples = states_matrix.shape assert nn == 2*ndof, 'state matrix rows should be 2*ndof the robot' A_avg = np.zeros((2*ndof,2*ndof)) B_avg = np.zeros((2*ndof,ndof)) C_avg = np.zeros((ndof, 2*ndof)) D_avg = np.zeros((ndof, ndof)) for i in range(NSamples): A,B,C,D = self.computeStateMatrices(q_or_x=states_matrix[:,i]) A_avg += A B_avg += B C_avg += C D_avg += D return A_avg/NSamples, B_avg/NSamples, C_avg/NSamples ,D_avg/NSamples
[docs] def stabilize(self,A,B,desired_poles:np.ndarray= None): """ Check what ever the numerical recursive control scheme given by : x(k+1) = Ax(k) + B u is stable or not and adjust it if necessary within ploes placement strategy. """ if desired_poles is None: desired_poles = list(self.robot.params['state_space_params']['poles']) else: desired_poles = desired_poles.tolist() rank_B = np.linalg.matrix_rank(B) if rank_B == 0: logger.error("The control matrix B has rank 0") pole_counts = {pole: desired_poles.count(pole) for pole in set(desired_poles)} for pole, count in pole_counts.items(): if count > rank_B: logger.error(\ f"The pole {pole} is repeated {count} times, more than the rank of B ({rank_B}).") eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvals(A) if np.any(np.abs(eigenvalues) < 1) : result = place_poles(A, B, desired_poles) k = result.gain_matrix A_new = A -, k) else: A_new = A return A_new
[docs] def computeObsMatrix(self, q_or_x:np.ndarray, qp: np.ndarray=None): """Compute the observaliblite matrix of the robot""" n = self.robot.model.nq A, _, C, _= self.computeStateMatrices(q_or_x, qp) obs_matrix = C for i in range(1,2*n): obs_matrix = np.vstack((obs_matrix, C*np.linalg.matrix_power(A,i))) return obs_matrix
[docs] def computeCtlbMatrix(self, q_or_x: np.ndarray, qp: np.ndarray = None): """Compute the controllability matrix of the robot""" n = self.robot.model.nq A, B, _, _ = self.computeStateMatrices(q_or_x, qp) ctlb_matrix = B for i in range(1, n): ctlb_matrix = np.hstack((ctlb_matrix, np.linalg.matrix_power(A, i) @ B)) return ctlb_matrix
[docs] def computeGaussianNoise(self,length): mean = self.robot.params['noise_params']['gauss']['mean'] stdv = self.robot.params['noise_params']['gauss']['stdv'] noise_array = np.random.normal(mean,stdv,length) return noise_array
[docs] def computePoissonNoise(self,length): lamda = self.robot.params['noise_params']['lamda'] noise_array = np.random.poisson(lamda,length) return noise_array
[docs] def visualizeRootLocus(self, q_or_x:np.ndarray,qp:np.ndarray=None)->None: """ Plot the system root locus for a given trajectory.""" gain = np.linspace(0, 0.45, 35) K = np.ones((7, 14)) A, B,_,_ = self.computeStateMatrices(q_or_x,qp) poles = np.array([np.linalg.eigvals(,K*k)) for k in gain]) for j in range(poles.shape[1]): plt.plot(np.real(poles[:,j]), np.imag(poles[:,j]), '.', markersize=3) plt.title('Root Locus Plot') plt.xlabel('Real') plt.ylabel('Imaginary') plt.axhline(0, color='black', linewidth=0.5) plt.axvline(0, color='black', linewidth=0.5) plt.grid(True)
[docs] def visualizeStatePoles(self,q,qp): """Plot the system poles for a given trajectory""" eigenvalues = self.getStateEigvals(q,qp) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) plt.scatter(np.real(eigenvalues), np.imag(eigenvalues), marker='*', color='blue') plt.axhline(0, color='black', linewidth=0.5) plt.axvline(0, color='black', linewidth=0.5) plt.xlabel('Real') plt.ylabel('Imaginary') plt.title('Pole Plot') plt.grid(True)