Source code for pyDynaMapp.identification.IDIM

import sys
import os
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))

from utils import RobotData

[docs] class IDIM: def __init__(self) -> None: self.IDIM_LE pass
[docs] def set_upper_bounds(self): pass
[docs] def set_lower_bounds(self): pass
[docs] def set_maxeval(self): pass
[docs] def set_set_min_objective(self,f:Callable[[np.ndarray],np.ndarray]): pass
[docs] def optimize(self,x0:np.ndarray): pass
[docs] def opt(self,method:str): pass
[docs] def vizulizeOuput(self): pass
[docs] def save(self,folder_path:str): pass
[docs] class IDIMMLE(IDIM): """ Inverse dynamics identification with maximum likelihood estimation. Ref: Fourier-based optimal excitation trajectories for the dynamic identification of robots Kyung.Jo Park - Robotica - 2006. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.max_eval = 100 self.lower_bound = -np.finfo(float).eps self.upper_bound = sys.float_info.max
[docs] def set_lower_bounds(self,lb): self.lower_bound = lb
[docs] def set_upper_bounds(self,ub): self.upper_bound=ub
[docs] def set_maxeval(self,niter): self.max_eval = niter
[docs] def set_set_min_objective(self, f: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]): return super().set_set_min_objective(f)
# inverse dynamics identification using neural network : # use the xeights saved from ghali training model and simulate them import logging import numpy as np from typing import Callable import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from scipy.optimize import least_squares, curve_fit from utils import RMSE, clampArray, plotArray, plot2Arrays logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] class IDIMNLS: """ Inverse Dynamics Identification Methods with Non Linear Least Square Alogrithms. The identification problem is formulated in a non linear optimisation problem : Xopt = argmin(X) ||IDM(q, qdot, qddot, X)- tau|| Args: - nVars : number of optimization variables in the X vector. - output : desired output vector ( Nsamples * ndof ) - identificationModel : function that return the model computed torques. of shape : ( Nsamples * ndof ) """ def __init__(self,nVars,output,identificationModel: Callable[[np.ndarray],np.ndarray],\ upperBound=2,lowerBound=-2,time_step=0.001) -> None: if np.ndim(output) != 2 : logger.error("Target output should be 2 dimentional") self.time_step = time_step self.output = output self.nVars = nVars self.upperBound = upperBound self.lowerBound = lowerBound self.identificationModel = identificationModel self.optimized_params = None def __str__(self) -> str: return (f"IDIMNLS Model with {self.nVars} optimization variables," f"output shape: {self.output.shape}, " f"time step: {self.time_step}")
[docs] def computeLsCostFunction(self, x:np.ndarray): """ The object function to be minimized with least squares. Returns: - cost : (float) """ if self.nVars < x.size : xnew = np.concatenate([x[0:self.nVars], np.zeros(x.size-self.nVars)]) xnew = clampArray(xnew,self.lowerBound,self.upperBound) tau_s = self.identificationModel(xnew) elif self.nVars == x.size: x = clampArray(x,self.lowerBound,self.upperBound) tau_s = self.identificationModel(x) else: logger.error(\ 'Identification Engine: Optimisation Variables should be <= input vector size.') rmse = RMSE(self.output, tau_s) cost = np.mean(rmse**2) return cost
[docs] def computeRelativeError(self, x:np.ndarray=None): if x is None: tau_s = self.identificationModel(self.optimized_params) else: tau_s = self.identificationModel(x) n = min(self.output.shape[0],self.output.shape[1]) relative_error =np.zeros(n) for i in range(n): relative_error[i] =np.where(self.output[:,i]!=0, \ np.abs(tau_s[:,i] -self.output[:,i] )/np.abs(self.output[:,i]),np.inf) return relative_error
[docs] def evaluate(self)->None: """Evaluate the model's performance using the current parameters.""" if self.optimized_params is None: logger.error("No optimized parameters found. Run optimize() first.") return tau_s = self.identificationModel(self.optimized_params) rmse = RMSE(self.output, tau_s) mean_rmse = np.mean(rmse)"Evaluation result - Mean RMSE: {mean_rmse:.4f}")
[docs] def optimize(self, x0:np.ndarray=None, method='least_square', tol=1e-4): """ Optimize the cost function with NLS alorithms to mimize it value. Args: - x0 : numpy-ndarry : initial paramters values estimation. - method : optimisation algorithm - tol : optimization alorithm error stop tolerence. """ if x0 is None: x0 = clampArray(abs(np.random.rand(self.nVars)),self.lowerBound,self.upperBound) xOpt = x0 if method == 'least_square': try: xOpt = least_squares(self.computeLsCostFunction, x0, xtol=tol, verbose=1) self.optimized_params = clampArray(xOpt.x,self.lowerBound,self.upperBound) xOpt = self.optimized_params except Exception as e: logger.error(f"An error occurred during optimization: {e}") elif method == 'curve_fit': init_params = np.zeros(self.nVars) try: x_data = np.linspace(0, len(self.output) * self.time_step,\ len(self.output)) popt, _ = curve_fit(self.identificationModel, x_data, \ self.output , p0=init_params,method='trf') self.optimized_params = clampArray(popt.x,self.lowerBound,self.upperBound) xOpt = clampArray(popt.x,self.lowerBound,self.upperBound) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"An error occurred during optimization: {e}") else: logger.error('Optimisation method Not Supported!') return xOpt
[docs] def visualizeError(self,title=None, ylabel=None)->None: """Plot the root squred error between simulated and inputs""" if self.optimized_params is None: logger.error(\ "Identification Engine: No optimized parameters found.Run optimize().") return tau_s = self.identificationModel(self.optimized_params) rmse = RMSE(self.output,tau_s,1) plotArray(rmse,title,ylabel)
[docs] def visualizeResults(self, title=None, y_label=None)->None: """Plot the simulated and real signals in one figure.""" if self.optimized_params is None: logger.error("No optimized parameters found. Run optimize() first.") tau_s = self.identificationModel(self.optimized_params) plot2Arrays(tau_s,self.output,'simultion','true',title)
[docs] def visualizeRelativeError(self,x:np.ndarray=None): """Plot the bar diagram of each joint relative error""" plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) n = min(self.output.shape[0],self.output.shape[1]) relative_error = self.computeRelativeError(x) sns.barplot(x= np.ones_like(range(n)), y=relative_error) plt.xlabel('Joint Index',fontsize=9) plt.title('Relative Joints Error',fontsize=9)
[docs] def visualizeCostFunction(self,points_number:int=1500)->None: """Plot the cost function scalar variation with respect to ||x||""" xi = np.zeros(self.nVars) xlist= [xi] * points_number xnorm = [0] * points_number ylist = [0] * points_number for i in range(len(xlist)): xi = np.random.uniform(self.lowerBound, self.upperBound, self.nVars) ylist[i] = self.computeLsCostFunction(xi) xnorm[i] = np.linalg.norm(xi) xlist[i]= xi plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.scatter(xnorm,ylist,marker='.',s=4) if not (self.optimized_params is None): optnorm = np.linalg.norm(self.optimized_params) yopt= self.computeLsCostFunction(self.optimized_params) plt.scatter([optnorm], [yopt], color='red', marker='.',s=10) plt.title('Cost Function vs Paramter Vector Norm',fontsize=9) plt.xlabel("Norm2 Values") plt.ylabel("Loss Values")
import logging import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from dynamics import Robot, Regressor
[docs] class IDIMOLS: """ Inverse Dynamics Identification Method Ordiany Least Square. this class valid only when the friction Args: - """ def __init__(self,robot ) -> None: pass
[docs] def computeLsCostFunction(self): """ """ reg= Regressor() cost = 0 return cost
import numpy as np
[docs] class IDIMWLS: """ """ def __init__(self) -> None: pass