Source code for pyDynaMapp.identification.Kalman

import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import place_poles

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Kalman: """ Classical Kalman filter identification algorithms base class. Args: F (np.ndarray): State transition model. H (np.ndarray): Observation model. Q (np.ndarray): Covariance of the process noise. R (np.ndarray): Covariance of the observation noise. P (np.ndarray): Initial error covariance. x0 (np.ndarray): Initial state estimate. Ref: An Introduction to the Kalman Filter - Greg Welch and Gary Bishop. """ def __init__(self, F, H, Q, R, P, x0, alpha=0.2, beta=1): self.F = F self.H = H self.Q = Q self.R = R self.P = P self.x = x0 self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta
[docs] def predict(self): """Predict the state and error covariance for the next time step.""" self.x =, self.x) self.P =, self.P), self.F.T) + self.Q
[docs] def update(self, z): """ Update the state estimate and error covariance using the observation. Args: z (np.ndarray): Observation at the current time step. """ S =,, self.H.T)) + self.R K =, self.H.T), np.linalg.inv(S)) y = z -, self.x) self.x = self.x +, y) I = np.eye(self.P.shape[0]) self.P = -, self.H), self.P) self.adaptNoiseCovariance(y)
[docs] def filter(self, observations): """ Apply the Kalman filter to a sequence of observations. Args: observations (np.ndarray): Sequence of observations. Returns: states (np.ndarray): Sequence of state estimates. """ states = [] innovations = [] for z in observations: self.predict() self.update(z) y = self.update(z) states.append(self.x) innovations.append(y) return np.array(states), np.array(innovations)
[docs] def evaluate(self, true_states, estimated_states): """ Evaluate the performance of the Kalman filter. Args: true_states (np.ndarray): True states. estimated_states (np.ndarray): Estimated states from the filter. Returns: performance (dict): Dictionary containing evaluation metrics. """ mse = np.mean((true_states - estimated_states) ** 2) performance = {'MSE': mse} return performance
[docs] def adaptNoiseCovariance(self, y): """ Adaptively update the process and observation noise covariances. Args: y (np.ndarray): Innovation or measurement residual. """ self.Q = self.Q + self.alpha * (np.outer(y, y) - self.Q) self.R = self.R + self.beta * (np.outer(y, y) - self.R)
[docs] def visualizeEstimates(self, title=None, ylabel =None): """Visualize the estimated states over time.""" plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) for i in range(self.x.shape[1]): plt.plot(self.x[:, i], label=f'Estimated state {i+1}') plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') if not(title is None): plt.title(title,fontsize=9) if not(ylabel is None): plt.ylabel(ylabel,fontsize=9) plt.legend()
[docs] class RobustKalman: """ Robust Kalman Filter Base Model Class """ def __init__(self, A, B, H, Q, R, P0, x0): self.A = A # State transition matrix (time-varying) self.B = B # Control input matrix (time-varying) self.H = H # Observation matrix (time-varying) self.Q = Q # Process noise covariance matrix (time-varying) self.R = R # Measurement noise covariance matrix (time-varying) self.P = P0 # Initial covariance estimate self.x = x0 # Initial state estimate self.n = A.shape[0]
[docs] def predict(self, u, k): """Prediction step""" A_k = self.A[:, (k-1)*self.n:k*self.n] B_k = self.B[:, (k-1)*self.n//2:k*self.n//2] Q_k = self.Q[:, (k-1)*self.n:k*self.n] A_k = self._stabilize(A_k,B_k,np.array([-0.132,-0.552,-0.612,-0.647,-0.689,-0.701,-0.847,\ -0.111,-0.688,-0.674,-0.607,-0.609,-0.501,-0.637])) self.x = A_k @ self.x + B_k @ u self.P[:, (k-1)*self.n:k*self.n] = A_k @ self.P[:, (k-1)*self.n:k*self.n] @ A_k.T + Q_k if np.isnan(self.x).any() or np.isnan(self.P).any(): raise ValueError("NaN encountered in predict step")
[docs] def update(self, z, k): """Update step""" H_k = self.H[:,(k-1)*self.n:k*self.n] R_k = np.diag(self.R[:, k]) y = z - H_k @ self.x S = H_k @ self.P[:, (k-1)*self.n:k*self.n] @ H_k.T + R_k K = self.P[:, (k-1)*self.n:k*self.n] @ H_k.T @ np.linalg.inv(S) self.x = self.x + K @ y I = np.eye(H_k.shape[1]) self.P[:, (k-1)*self.n:k*self.n] = (I - K @ H_k) @ self.P[:, (k-1)*self.n:k*self.n] if np.isnan(self.x).any() or np.isnan(self.P).any(): raise ValueError("NaN encountered in update step")
[docs] def step(self, u, z, k): """One step of prediction and update""" self.predict(u, k) self.update(z, k) return self.x, self.P
def _stabilize(self,A,B,desired_poles:np.ndarray): """ Check what ever the numerical recursive control scheme given by : x(k+1) = Ax(k) + B u is stable or not and adjust it if necessary within ploes placement strategy. """ rank_B = np.linalg.matrix_rank(B) if rank_B == 0: logger.error("The control matrix B has rank 0") desired_poles = desired_poles.tolist() pole_counts = {pole: desired_poles.count(pole) for pole in set(desired_poles)} for pole, count in pole_counts.items(): if count > rank_B: logger.error(\ f"The pole {pole} is repeated {count} times, more than the rank of B ({rank_B}).") eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvals(A) if np.any(np.abs(eigenvalues) < 1) : result = place_poles(A, B, desired_poles) k = result.gain_matrix A_new = A -, k) else: A_new = A return A_new