import numpy as np
class BLDC:
BLDC - Brushless Direct Current Motor Model Function.
dQ_dt (numpy array): Motor rotor velocity.
d2Q_d2t (numpy array) : Motor rotor acceleration.
Q_t (numpy array): Motor rotor position.
Keyword Args:
Jm (float): Robot inertia factor.
kf (float): Motor damping coefficient.
Kt (float): Motor current coefficient.
Tck (float): Motor cogging torque coefficients.
Ta (float): Motor mechanical disturbance coefficients.
Tb (float): Motor mechanical disturbance coefficients.
- Ia Armature current vector.
- Td : Motor developed torque vector.
Practical Modeling and Comprehensive System Identification of a BLDC
Motor - C.Jiang, X.Wang, Y.Ma, B.Xu - 2015.
def __init__(self, inertia=0.558, torqueConstant=0.11, \
damping=0.14, Tck=None, Ta=0.22, Tb=0.21,Imax=5,Tmax=39):
if Tck is None:
Tck = [0.015, 0.018, 0.023, 0.0201, 0.0147]
self.J = inertia
self.Kt = torqueConstant
self.Kf = damping
self.Tck = Tck
self.Ta = Ta
self.Tb = Tb
self.Imax = Imax
self.Tmax = Tmax
def computeOutputTorque(self, Q_t, dQ_dt, d2Q_d2t):
Td = self.J * d2Q_d2t + self.Kf * dQ_dt - self.Ta * np.sin(Q_t) - self.Tb * np.cos(Q_t)
for j in range(1, len(self.Tck) + 1):
Td += self.Tck[j - 1] * np.cos(j * Q_t)
return Td
def computeArmatureCurrent(self,Q_t, dQ_dt, d2Q_d2t):
Td = self.J * d2Q_d2t + self.Kf * dQ_dt - self.Ta * np.sin(Q_t) - self.Tb * np.cos(Q_t)
for j in range(1, len(self.Tck) + 1):
Td += self.Tck[j - 1] * np.cos(j * Q_t)
Td = self.checkTorque(Td)
I = Td / self.Kt
I = self.checkCurrent(I)
return I
def checkCurrent(self, I):
""" Check the computed actuator current, clip it if exceeded """
I = np.clip(I, -self.Imax, self.Imax)
return I
def checkTorque(self, T):
""" Check the computed actuator torque, clip it if exceeded """
T = np.clip(T, -self.Tmax, self.Tmax)
return T