import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import logging
import math
import json
import yaml
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter1d
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def wrap2deg(angle):
"""Wrap angle to the interval [-180, 180] degrees."""
wrapped_angle = angle - 360 * np.floor((angle + 180) / 360)
return wrapped_angle
def wrap2deg(angle):
"""Wrap angle to the interval [-180, 180]."""
return angle - 360 * np.floor((angle + 180) / 360)
def rad2deg(angle_radians):
"""Converts an angle given in radians to degrees."""
return angle_radians * (180 / math.pi)
def wrapXpi(angle, X):
"""Wrap angle to the interval [-X*pi, X*pi]."""
return angle - X * math.pi * np.floor((angle + X / 2 * math.pi) / (X * math.pi))
def deg2rad(angle_degrees):
"""Converts an angle given in degrees to radians."""
radians = angle_degrees * (math.pi / 180)
return radians
def checkSkewSymmetric(matrix):
"""Check if the input matrix is skew-symmetric."""
matrix_transpose = np.transpose(matrix)
status = np.array_equal(matrix, -matrix_transpose)
return status
def struct2json(structData, filename):
"""Saves a Python dictionary to a JSON file."""
if not isinstance(structData, dict):
logger.error('The first input argument must be a Python dictionary')
if not isinstance(filename, str) or filename == '':
logger.error('The second input argument must ba non-empty string representing the filename')
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
json.dump(structData, file, indent=4)
except IOError:
logger.error(f'Could not create or open the file "{filename}" for writing')
def columnVector(vec):
"""Convert a vector to a column vector."""
if not np.ndim(vec) == 1:
logger.error("Input must be a vector.")
colVector = vec[:, np.newaxis]
return colVector
def matrix2Text(matrix, filename):
"""Write the values of a matrix to a text file."""
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
rows, cols = matrix.shape
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
file.write(f' {matrix[i, j]} ')
except IOError:
logger.error(f'Cannot open or write to file: {filename}')
def yaml2dict(yamlFilePath) -> dict:
Get parameters from the config YAML file and return them as a
yamlFilePath (str): Path to the YAML file.
with open(yamlFilePath, 'r') as file:
dic = yaml.safe_load(file)
return dic
except FileNotFoundError:
logger.error(f"Error: File '{yamlFilePath}' not found.")
return {}
except yaml.YAMLError as e:
logger.error(f"Error parsing YAML file '{yamlFilePath}': {e}")
return {}
def wrapArray(array:np.ndarray, lower_bound, upper_bound):
range_width = upper_bound - lower_bound
wrapped_array = lower_bound + (array - lower_bound)
return wrapped_array
def scaleArray(array:np.ndarray, lower_bound,upper_bound):
min_val = np.min(array)
max_val = np.max(array)
scaled_array = (upper_bound - lower_bound) * (array - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) + lower_bound
return scaled_array
def clampArray(array:np.ndarray, lower_bound, upper_bound):
clamped_array = np.clip(array, lower_bound, upper_bound)
return clamped_array
def smooth_columns(data: np.ndarray, window_size: int = 5) -> np.ndarray:
Smooth each column of the input data matrix using a moving average.
- data: np.ndarray, the input data matrix of size N x 7
- window_size: int, the window size for the moving average
- smoothed_data: np.ndarray, the smoothed data matrix of the same size as input
assert data.shape[1] == 7, "Input data must have 7 columns."
smoothed_data = np.zeros_like(data)
for i in range(data.shape[1]):
smoothed_data[:, i] = uniform_filter1d(data[:, i], size=window_size)
return smoothed_data
def plotArray(array: np.ndarray,title=None,ylabel = None) -> None:
Given an ( n * m ) data array where n >> m, plot each coloum data
in sperate subplots .
- array: numpy ndarray
N = array.shape[0]
if array.ndim ==1 :
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
sns.lineplot(ax=ax, x=np.arange(N), y=array, linewidth=0.5, color='blue')
ax.set_xlabel("Time (ms)", fontsize=9)
if not(ylabel is None):
plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=9)
elif array.ndim == 2:
ndof = min(array.shape[1],array.shape[0])
if not(ndof == array.shape[1]):
array = np.transpose(array)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(12, 6), dpi=100)
axes = axes.flatten()
for i in range(ndof):
ax = axes[i]
sns.lineplot(ax=ax, x=np.arange(N), y=array[:, i], linewidth=0.5,color='blue')
ax.set_xlabel("Time (ms)", fontsize=9)
if not(ylabel is None):
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=9)
ax.set_title(f'Joint {i+1}', fontsize=9)
for j in range(ndof, len(axes)):
if title != None:
fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=9)
def plot2Arrays(array1: np.ndarray, array2: np.ndarray, legend1=None, legend2=None,title=None,
color1='red', color2='blue') -> None:
Given two (n * m) data arrays where n >> m, plot each column data
from both arrays in separate subplots.
assert array1.shape == array2.shape, "Arrays should have the same shapes."
ndof = min(array1.shape[1],array1.shape[0])
if ndof == array1.shape[1]:
N = array1.shape[0]
N = array1.shape[1]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(12, 6), dpi=100)
axes = axes.flatten()
for i in range(ndof):
ax = axes[i]
sns.lineplot(ax=ax, x=np.arange(N), y=array1[:, i], linewidth=0.5, color=color1, label=legend1)
sns.lineplot(ax=ax, x=np.arange(N), y=array2[:, i], linewidth=0.5, color=color2, label=legend2)
ax.set_xlabel("Time (ms)", fontsize = 9)
ax.set_title(f'Joint {i+1}', fontsize = 9)
if legend1 or legend2:
ax.legend(fontsize = 6)
for j in range(ndof, len(axes)):
if title:
fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=9)
def plot3Arrays(array1: np.ndarray, array2: np.ndarray, array3: np.ndarray,
legend1=None, legend2=None, legend3=None,
title=None, color1='red', color2='blue', color3='green') -> None:
Given three (n * m) data arrays where n >> m, plot each column data
from all arrays in separate subplots.
ndof = array1.shape[1]
N = array1.shape[0]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(12, 6), dpi=100)
axes = axes.flatten()
for i in range(ndof):
ax = axes[i]
sns.lineplot(ax=ax, x=np.arange(N), y=array1[:, i], linewidth=0.5, color=color1, label=legend1)
sns.lineplot(ax=ax, x=np.arange(N), y=array2[:, i], linewidth=0.5, color=color2, label=legend2)
sns.lineplot(ax=ax, x=np.arange(N), y=array3[:, i], linewidth=0.5, color=color3, label=legend3)
ax.set_xlabel("Time (ms)", fontsize=9)
ax.set_title(f'Joint {i+1}', fontsize=9)
if legend1 or legend2 or legend3:
for j in range(ndof, len(axes)):
if title:
fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=9)
def plotElementWiseArray(array:np.ndarray, title=None,xlabel=None,ylabel= None):
sns.barplot(x= np.ones_like(range(len(array)))+range(len(array)),y=array)
if not(xlabel is None):
if not(ylabel is None):
if not(title is None):