TinyURDF 1.0.0
No Matches


  1. C++17 compatible compiler (GCC 7.1+, Clang 5.0+, MSVC 2017+)
  2. CMake (version 3.14+)


TinyURDF currently depends on the following libraries:

These dependencies are automatically fetched and compiled during the build process no sperate build process is required The library has been successfully built and tested on the following platforms with the corresponding dependencies:


  1. Compiler: MSVC 2017, CMake: 3.22.1


  1. Compiler: GCC 8, CMake: Latest

Other platforms or compilers have not yet been tested. Please open an issue on GitHub Issues for any suspected bugs,

we recommend using Ninja with Microsoft Visual Studio for faster builds, for more details go to Ninja-Installtion


run the following commands to build the project:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G Ninja ..
ninja install

By default, this will use the MSVC compiler on Windows and the default CMake options. To use a different compiler with Ninja, run:

make install

for Unix-based Systems or MinGW on Windows

If you prefer not to use Ninja, you can build the project using Unix Makefiles:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
make install

These commands will build and install the static/shared library under the lib/ directory and the include files in the include/ directory of the build folder.

Build Configuration Options

You can customize the build using the following CMake options:

cmake -G Ninja \
-DBUILD_TESTS=FALSE \ # Build tests
-DBUILD_PYTHON3=FALSE \ # Enable Python 3 bindings
-DBUILD_SCRIPTS=TRUE \ # Build cpp scripts
-DBUILD_DOCS=FALSE # Build documentation with Doxygen
-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS = FALSE # build shared librarry

For Python bindings build and installation, enable the -DBUILD_PYTHON3 flag, and run the following command from the root of the project to installthem locally

bash <br> pip install --user . <br>
Note that Python bindings are not currently tested, many bugs exist. Use them at your own risk, or feel free to contribute

TinyURDF will soon be available for installation via vcpkg.