Source code for pyDynaMapp.trajectory.spline

import numpy as np
from   scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import logging

from ..utils import plotArray

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SplineGenerator: def __init__(self, trajectory_params) -> None: self.trajectory_params = trajectory_params
[docs] def computeTrajectoryState(self, t, Q0=None) -> np.ndarray: """Computes the trajectory states at time t.""" if Q0 is None: Q0 = self.trajectory_params['Q0'] cs = CubicSpline(self.trajectory_params['time_points'], Q0) states = cs(t) return states
[docs] def computeTrajectoryIdentifiability(self): """Evaluates the regression criteria ε(q, qp, qpp, x).""" epsilon = 0.0"Computing trajectory identifiability criteria.") return epsilon
[docs] def computeFullTrajectory(self,ti:float,tf:float,q0=None,qp0=None,qpp0=None): """Computes the full trajectory between ti and tf.""" t = np.linspace(ti, tf, 100) q = self.computeTrajectoryState(t, q0) qp = np.gradient(q,t) qpp = np.gradient(qp,t)"Full trajectory computed.") return q,qp,qpp
[docs] def computeTrajectoryConstraints(self,qmax,qmin,qpmax,qpmin,qppmin,qppmax,ti,tf,\ q0=None,qp0=None,qpp0=None): """Ensures trajectory meets specified constraints.""" q, qp, qpp = self.computeFullTrajectory(ti, tf, q0, qp0, qpp0) is_within_constraints = ( np.all(q >= qmin) and np.all(q <= qmax) and np.all(qp >= qpmin) and np.all(qp <= qpmax) and np.all(qpp >= qppmin) and np.all(qpp <= qppmax) )"Trajectory constraints check: {is_within_constraints}") return is_within_constraints
[docs] def visualizeTrajectory(self, ti, tf, Q0=None, Qp0=None, Qpp0=None): """Visualizes the computed trajectory.""" q, qp, qpp = self.computeFullTrajectory(ti, tf, Q0, Qp0, Qpp0) plotArray(q, 'Computed Trajectory Joints Positions') plotArray(qp, 'Computed Trajectory Joints Velocities') plotArray(qpp, 'Computed Trajectory Joints Accelerations')
[docs] def saveTrajectory2file(self, filename='trajectory.txt'): """Saves the computed trajectory to a file.""" q, qp, qpp = self.computeFullTrajectory(0, 1) # Assuming some default time range with open(filename, 'w') as f: for i in range(len(q)): f.write(f"{q[i]}\t{qp[i]}\t{qpp[i]}\n")"Trajectory saved to {filename}")