TinyURDF 1.0.0
A Modern C++ Library for Parsing and Visualizing URDF Model Files
This is the complete list of members for Joint, including all inherited members.
clear() override | Joint | virtual |
empty() const override | Joint | virtual |
getAxis() const | Joint | |
getName() const | Joint | |
getPointer() | ObjectBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
getTransform() const | Joint | |
getTypename() override | Joint | virtual |
isA(const char *name) | Joint | virtual |
isChild(const char *name) const | Joint | |
isParent(const char *name) const | Joint | |
Joint() | Joint | |
Joint(const Joint &rhs) | Joint | |
Joint(Joint &&rhs) noexcept | Joint | |
ObjectBase() | ObjectBase | inlineprotected |
print(std::ostream &os) override | Joint | virtual |
pushBackChild(const std::string lk) | Joint | |
pushBackParent(const std::string lk) | Joint | |
pushBackTransform(const std::shared_ptr< Pose > t) | Joint | |
setAxis(double x, double y, double z) | Joint | |
setCalibration(const std::shared_ptr< JointCalibration > c) | Joint | |
setDynamics(const std::shared_ptr< JointDynamics > d) | Joint | |
setLimits(const std::shared_ptr< JointLimits > l) | Joint | |
setMimic(const std::shared_ptr< JointMimic > m) | Joint | |
setName(const std::string &name_) | Joint | |
setSafety(const std::shared_ptr< JointSafety > s) | Joint | |
setType(const Type &t_) | Joint | |
setType(const char *c_) | Joint | |
Type enum name | Joint | |
~ObjectBase() | ObjectBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |